Creating conversations for change.
RHL Strategies positions itself as a collaborative partner for small nonprofits, municipalities, and other organizations to assist them in achieving transformational and other changes they seek. Whether starting a new project, plan, or initiative, forming a committee, or otherwise addressing a situation, we get people onto a good, solid path forward.
RHL Strategies has developed a methodology (which can be adapted to your own project) that will take you and your team through a process that is meant to go beyond the traditional notion of setting goals and objectives. From initial team formations to identifying the “problem(s)” being addressed, and then discovering what is possible, RHL Strategies will guide you in looking at yourselves and your work in deep and significant ways that just might lead to your own new approaches to doing your work and achieving your goals.
Facilitating conversations and processes
for small non-profits, municipalities,
and other groups of all sizes
Offering assistance and advice in different areas
related to running an organization.
How RHL Strategies can assist you
If you want to get something done,
you’ll need a plan
What is a facilitator?
A facilitator provides guidance for discussions and projects.
Discussions: RHL Strategies leads and guides discussions on a variety of topics, such as clarifying challenges, exploring ideas, finding solutions.
Projects: From the very beginning, RHL Strategies can guide your team to identify purpose, who should be at the table, and more. From there, we can work with you to create a plan, and then during the project, we can keep you on track.
Sure, you could do a lot of this yourself. But sometimes an impartial third party, through carefully-crafted questions, can help you discover new ways of thinking that lead to outcomes that surpass your aspirations.
A consultant brings expertise to the project that Is critical in guiding it to its finale. RHL Strategies brings years of experience in managing small organizations that can be beneficial to your initiative, and will make suggestions and offer advice as needed.
Consulting is a key component of facilitation –
even if it’s just about building and managing the conversation.
Our Approach
RHL Strategies will sit with you (and/or your team) to identify:
What is the purpose of the initiative?
Who needs to be on the Steering Committee/Project Team?
What is the current situation?
What needs to be different?
From there, together we create a plan, with timelines and milestone outcomes, responsibilities and more.
Each project is different. We’d like to find out about yours!
Our Guiding Principles
A good process needs a good plan.
Change happens in small groups.
Change happens at the speed of trust.
It’s all about the right questions (sometimes we get “stuck” and the right
question can lead us to new ways of thinking)
Focus on what Is possible, rather than what needs to be “fixed.”
Everyone has something to bring to the table – and to contribute.
Discussions are about ideas, not people.
Diversity of people, of viewpoints, of ideas bring unexpected, and
powerful results (the whole can be greater than the sum of the parts).
Meet Robin
Robin H. LeBlanc
Founder, Facilitator and Consultant
Robin has years of experience in teaching, marketing, business development, organizational leadership and facilitation. She has worked in municipalities, in universities, in corporations and in non-profits, thus bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience on a variety of topics in a variety of settings.
Photo Credit to John Hession
RHL Strategies is proud to champion these organizations
From the Blog
“I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing Robin facilitate groups large and small over the years and credit her for a lot of what I know about facilitation and community engagement! There are several stories that come to mind, but the most memorable was a charrette in Moultonborough. As per usual, we planned on multiple small groups with facilitators and note takers, but when 250+ people arrived for the community listening session I had no idea what to do! Luckily, Robin wasn’t phased – she calmly and quickly put together a plan. She had small groups self-facilitate and asked the facilitators to spread out and offer assistance to the small groups as needed. She brilliantly kept the listening session productive and moving. I was in awe – Robin is truly capable of handling anything that comes her way with poise.”
— S.W.

Motivation comes from within - and I am here to help you activate it.
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