Robin LeBlanc Robin LeBlanc

Getting to YES

Developers, planners, and community members: Learn how to break through impasses and achieve "YES" in housing decisions through impactful communication and collaborative solutions.

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Robin LeBlanc Robin LeBlanc

The Power of Silence

How often have you conducted a meeting and posed a question – only to be met with silence? That happens a lot, and our first instinct is to rephrase the question or otherwise keep talking.

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Robin LeBlanc Robin LeBlanc

Goal Setting & Making Plans

Embrace September as a new beginning. As the pace quickens after Labor Day, consider your goals for 2023. What impacts do you seek in work and life? Jot down ideas now and solidify them in writing later. Forge your path for the months ahead.

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Robin LeBlanc Robin LeBlanc

Let’s Start Talking About Us…

Explore the vital elements influencing our well-being beyond healthcare. Discover how factors like safety, community, and social connections play a pivotal role in fostering longer, healthier lives for all. Join the conversation on building a stronger, united community for a brighter future.

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Robin LeBlanc Robin LeBlanc

Virtual Meetings

Enhance your online meetings with these invaluable tips! While virtual gatherings differ from in-person interactions, we've learned over three years that incorporating certain practices can foster genuine connections with attendees. Discover how to create a sense of togetherness that will elevate your meeting experience – and these tips are just as effective for in-person gatherings too!

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Robin LeBlanc Robin LeBlanc

Home, Sweet Home: Do NOT lead with solutions

Addressing the housing shortage in New Hampshire: Join the conversation and be part of the solution in your community. Explore the challenges and factors behind the lack of inventory, and discover how community collaboration can pave the way for more places to live. Together, let's shape a vibrant and inclusive future for all.

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Robin LeBlanc Robin LeBlanc

It’s The Personal Connections

As members of a community – whether where we work, where we live, or other community – we must be aware of how we show up for others, and what we can do to contribute to the whole. At the same time, we need to support everyone else in the community, drawing out their gifts and being part of creating that sense of safety and belonging.

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Robin LeBlanc Robin LeBlanc

From Problem to Possibility

Most of us are faced with situations in our organizations that need attention: “There is not enough diversity here.” “There is no collaboration – but a lot of confrontation.” “We need better communication.”

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Robin LeBlanc Robin LeBlanc

How can you say “We welcome YOU here?”

April is a time to finally get outside for yard work – and also to start cleaning up the local parks, playgrounds, trails and beaches in our communities. It is never too late to look at these spaces in terms of welcoming inclusion (I just made that up): are they welcoming people who might not otherwise be able to enjoy these important places?

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Robin LeBlanc Robin LeBlanc

Connection Before Content

Whether a monthly Board meeting, a new project team, or even a municipal Planning Board meeting, people will be working together, exploring ideas together, making decisions. All of that tends to go more smoothly if/when there is a personal connection among those at the table

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Robin LeBlanc Robin LeBlanc

Now What NH

RHL Strategies recently had the opportunity to sit down with Now What NH. A newly-founded organization on a mission to make New Hampshire more sustainable, more livable, and accessible to residents of all ages. Their commitment to keep New Hampshire communities strong and vibrant is truly inspiring. Here is what Nick Taylor, Now What NH’s Leadership Team Member had to say!

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Robin LeBlanc Robin LeBlanc

Getting beyond “yes”, “no”, and other one-word answers.

We often find ourselves in situations when we are trying to understand how the other person - or even a group - is thinking. All we get are one-word comments, which really don't clarify things. Or we may ask "Why did you....?" and the answers are defensive - and again, not clarifying.

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